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Virtualizor 2.1.8 released !
The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 2.1.8 This version has some major changes and minor bug fixes. Below is a list of changes: 1. Xen and KVM VPSs can now be re-sized live. No rebuild required. 2. Added NAT networking for VPSs on Xen and KVM while adding the IP Pool. 3. Added ROUTE networking for VPSs on Xen and KVM while adding the IP Pool. 4. Added option to disable the control panel option in the end-user panel. 5. Added a feature to group OS templates into media groups. Media groups can then be assigned to individual VPSs. 6. ISOs and OS templates have been clubbed together, all now appear under the Media menu item. 7. Disk Inodes in OpenVZ is now added to UBC and is removed from Add and Edit VS pages. 8. Added an option to limit the CPU % in Xen. 9. [BETA] Added a DNS management system which utilizes PowerDNS. This is being launched as beta. 10. Added the Polish language. 11.[BUGFIX] A bug has been fixed where if the virtualizor service was not started, no error would be displayed. 12.[BUGFIX] The free space of the Volume Group was using the base of 1000, it is now corrected to use the base of 1024. Virtualizor supports OpenVZ, Xen and Linux-KVM and they all can be managed from the Master. We are adding more features and if you have any suggestions, do let us know. We hope you enjoy this version of Virtualizor. Regards, The Virtualizor Team
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