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Virtualizor 2.2.5 Release Candidate Launched
Hi, The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 2.2.5 This version contains some major feature additions and a bug fix. Below is a list of changes: 1) The VPS Network (for XEN and KVM VMs) will always be configured when the VPS is started so that new IPs added or removed are edited from within the VM. 2) A new algorithm has been added for the backup snapshot creation feature. The snapshot size will not exceed 25 GBs. 3) Added the EMPS updater script so that the Admin can update the EMPS package when necessary. EMPS will not be updated automatically. 4) Added the VPS Status to the ADMIN API. 5) Added more error handling code for the background scripts. 6) Added Mirroring capability for the OS Templates Download. 7) The CRON job has been improved to now check for updates only once a day. 8) Bug Fix : While downloading ISO / OS Templates which were greater than 2 GB, the file size was wrongly shown and the ISO was not downloaded correctly. This is now fixed. 9) Bug Fix : A slave server could delete a VPS. This is now fixed. 10) Bug Fix : Virtualizor would not be accessible when rebooted on some servers due to the IPTABLES. This is now fixed. 11) Bug Fix : Changed the text service virtualizor start to service virtnetwork start since the virtualizor service does not handle networking anymore. 12) Bug Fix : EMPS used to timeout while doing tasks greater that 30 seconds. This is now fixed in the config. You will need to restart the virtualizor service for this to work. 13) Bug Fix : Virtualizor KVM (on some servers) had a bug while booting a VPS with an ISO. This is now fixed. Virtualizor supports OpenVZ, Xen and Linux-KVM and they all can be managed from the Master. We are adding more features and if you have any suggestions, do let us know. We hope you enjoy this version of Virtualizor. Regards, The Virtualizor Team
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