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Virtualizor 3.1.2 Launched


The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 3.1.2
In this version we have some bug fixes and improvements.

Here is the complete change list:


1. [Feature]  Added Incremental Backups using Backuply Backups. To get more details how incremental backups works in Virtualizor, please go through the following links:

2. [Feature]  New improved API wizard added. Now Admin can restrict API as per IP and actions to be performed.

Guide for API credentials wizard:

3. [Feature]  Added Hotplug option for adding disks as Volumes for KVM.

Guide for Volumes :

API guide for Volumes:

4. [Feature]  Added SSH Backup Key support for taking backups.

5. [Feature]  Added Machine type option for proxmox while creating VMs.

6. [Feature]  Added SSH key option while creating machines. Admin / user can add/generate/use exisiting keys while creating new VMs.

API Guide for SSH Keys:

7. [Feature]  Added API detailed logs for each actions and posted data.

8. [Feature]  Added Disable Enduser panel setting. If enabled then enduser will not be able to login to enduser panel and notice will be shown that Admin has disabled the login.

9. [Feature]  Added setting to disable virt type for enduser. If enabled then in Enduser panel Virtualization Type will not be shown to enduser.

10. [Feature]  Added SSD Emulation ssetting for KVM.

11. [Feature]  Added Total IOPS read/write setting while adding Cloud user.

12. [Feature]  Added Space per VM restriction for cloud user, such that he can not create VM with more than assigned Disk size.

13. [Feature]  Added Support for Migration for Proxmox Virtualizor. Now admin can migrate the VMs on Proxmox + virtualizor cluster.

14. [Feature]  Added SSO for Admin panel from WHMCS. Now from WHMCS admin can directly login to Virtualizor Admin panel.

15. [Feature]  Added Max Down Time option for live migration on KVM.

16. [BugFix]  Server selection preference was not able to save as None. This is fixed.

17. [BugFix]  Locked VM(s) were able to be migrated. This is fixed.

18. [BugFix]  ACL for teminal was not working. This is fixed.

19. [BugFix]  Edit stroage API was not working to disable primary storage. This is fixed.

20. [BugFix]  While registering for cloud user, internal IPs were not getting assigned to the cloud user even though they were assigned in the user plan. This is fixed.

21. [BugFix]  On Centos 8, LXC config was not updated. Now Virtualizor will update the config as per requirement.

22. [BugFix]  Pagination was not there on RDNS page in enduser panel due to that it was taking long time to load the records. Now pagination added.

23. [BugFix]  Backup/Restore was not working for XE-PV VMs. This is fixed.

24. [BugFix]  Terms and Condition Setting was getting reverted if Master/Slave setting was saved. This if fixed.

25. [BugFix]  Webuzo control panel was not shown for almalinux 8 VM(s). This is fixed.


26. [Task]  Added setting and filter to randomize the IP while creating and editing VMs.

27. [Task]  Added dns check for PTR records.

28. [Task]  Now count of result will be shown on all pages.

29. [Task]  Changed Enduser UI dashboard to make it look more spacious.

30. [Task]  Now Chrony service will not be installed if ntpd is already installed on the node.

31. [Task]  Added Least System Load Server selection algorithm whiole creating VMs.

32. [Task]  Added Site Title setting for cloud users for white labeling.

The Following are the docs that were edited in this version:

=========== Patch 1 ============

33. [BugFix]  Admin dashboard had broken UI due to minor Javascript error (Since This is fixed.

34. [Bugfix]  Recipe was not getting executed from Cloud panel if billing was enable. This is fixed.

35. [Bugfix]  On XEN VPS if swap was provided at that time Virtualizor was trying to take backup of swap partition as well and during that it was failing to take backup. Now Virtualizor will not take backup of swap partition. This is fixed.

36. [BugFix]  While xcp import if vps has multiple disks then disk order was getting changed after import. This is fixed.

37. [BugFix]  Cloud users were able to create VM(s) beyond the limit assigned to them set by Admin. This is fixed.

38. [BugFix]  In Proxmox KVM cpuunits and cpulimit were not getting set. This is fixed.

39. [Task]  Added XFS support for XFS based templates.

40. [Task]  Added cron to check virtualizor service on 5 minute interval. If the service is not running then it will start the Virtualizor service.

41. [Task]  Added multiselect option for import wizard.

42. [Task]  Added Windows Username field on Manage VPS page in Admin panel and Editvm page in enduser panel to provide custom username for windows VM(s).

43. [Task]  If Volume is attached to VM then the Volume will not be backed up/restored.

============ Patch 2 =============

44. [BugFix]  On some servers virtualizor service check was not working properly(Introduced in and This is fixed.

=========== Patch 3 ============

45. [BugFix]  On Proxmox servers virtualizor service check was not working properly(Introduced in and This is fixed.

46. [Task]  Added minor compatibility code for new licensing infrastructure.

=========== Patch 4 ============

47. [Bugfix]  CT creation was failing in some scenario for Virtuozzo CT. This is now handled

48. [Bugfix]  Proxmox VNC password was not getting set. This is fixed.

49. [Bugfix]  For some users, WHMCS was not working properly with the current virtualizor version. This is now fixed.

50. [Bugfix]  VM creation was not working for cloud user if number of VM(s) were set to 0. This issue was introduced in This is Fixed.

51. [Task]  Added Restore to New VM option for backuply backups.

52. [Task]  Added testing mode in Admin panel firewall wizard.

53. [Task]  Added deletion of rules in Admin panel firewall wizard.

54. [Task]  Added IP address and port binding in Admin panel firewall wizard.

55. [Task]  Updated Jquery and Bootstrap to their latest branch.

56. [Task]  Added serid parameter to vpsrestore call in Virtualizor SDK for selecting particular server.

57. [Task]  Added handling for SSH_options while creating VPS via WHMCS.

58. [Task]  Added backwards compatibility for import VPS to import all VPS by default.

59. [Task]  Added handling for VPS NAME in Openvz/virtuozzo creation. In some cases if a string was present in VPS name it generated garbage value for the next VPS name generation

=========== Patch 5 ============

60. [BugFix] Using SDK some feature specific to Virtualization were not working. This is fixed.

61. [BugFix] For Proxmox, import All VMs using API was not working. This is fixed.

62. [BugFix] Restore/Restore to New VM was not working. This issue was introduced in This is fixed.

63. [BugFix] If guest agent was installed then VPS passwords were not getting set on the running VM(s). This is fixed.

64. [Task]  Added option to Export as CSV for List VS wizard.

65. [Task]  Added Duitku payment gateway.

66. [Task]  On some Proxmox servers there was an issue in creating LVM. This is fixed.

67. [Task]  Now Virtualizor will create suspend/unsuspend vps task.

68. [Task]  Backuply backup will now try to ensure the data integrity for the incremental backups. So that while taking incremental backup all the data at the time of taking backup should not be partial. NOTE: to achieve this, Qemu guest Agent MUST be installed inside the VM.

69. [Task]  Added Clear All button to mark as read for all notifications.

=========== Patch 6 & 7 ============

70. [BugFix] SSD emulation option was not showing for KVM virtualization on Add/edit plan. This is fixed.
71. [BugFix] If VM Plan name had a Space in the name, at that time search was not working. This is fixed.
72. [BugFix] Virtualizor Update Available email was not sent has HTML. This is fixed.
73. [BugFix] Virtualizor was creating suspension task even though VMs were suspended. This issue was introduced in This is fixed.
74. [BugFix] Fixed openvz CT not getting suspended
=========== Patch 8 ============
75. [Task]  Added advance payment setting in billing settings to deduct minimum charge for the VM.
76. [Task]  Added HA support for Ubuntu clusters.
77. [Task]  Added support for customized invoice template as per user requirement.
78. [BugFix]  In backuply, on latest version of qemu full backups were getting created instead of incremental. This is fixed.
79. [BugFix]  For LXC/Proxl if VM was suspended then managevps page was not opening. This is fixed.
80. [BugFix]  While migration if POST data size was huge then vps disk was not getting created on destination server. This is fixed.
81. [BugFix]  For hourly backup the cron time was getting set as per daily hours. This is fixed.
82. [BugFix]  SSD emulation was not working on edit Plan wizard. This is fixed.
83. [BugFix]  While doing Proxmox migration if preserve IP option was enabled, at that time it was giving error. This is fixed.
84. [BugFix]  On centos 7.9 node Ubuntu GPT templates were not working. This is fixed.
85. [BugFix]  For backuply custom cron time were not getting set correctly. This is fixed.
86. [BugFix]  Admin user was not able to Disable Two Factor Authentication. This is fixed.
87. [BugFix]  When VM was migrated in HA at that time VNC was not working. This is fixed.

Please let us know if you face any issues / have any suggestion. We are available on Virtualizor live chat at

Virtualizor Team

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