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OS Templates

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Type Virtualization Name Size
centos-6.10-x86_64.img 1024 MB
scientific-7.4-x86_64.img.gz 522 MB
scientific-7.4-x86_64.img 1344 MB
debian-9.4-x86_64.img.gz 496 MB
centos-6.10-x86_64.img 1024 MB
ubuntu-18.04-x86_64.tar.gz 488 MB
debian-9.4-x86_64.tar.gz 289 MB
scientific-7.4-x86_64.img 1344 MB
centos-6.10-x86_64.img 1048 MB
ubuntu-18.04-x86_64.img 1652 MB
scientific-7.4-x86_64.img 1344 MB
scientific-7.4-x86_64.img 1344 MB
debian-9.4-x86_64.img 1332 MB
ubuntu-18.04-x86_64.img 1652 MB
ubuntu-18.04-x86_64.img 1652 MB
scientific-7.4-x86_64.img 1344 MB
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