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OS Templates

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Type Virtualization Name Size
ubuntu-24.04-x86_64.img 2664 MB
webuzo-ubuntu-22.04-x86_64.img 5203 MB
ubuntu-24.04-x86_64.img 2664 MB
webuzo-ubuntu-22.04-x86_64.img 5203 MB
centos-8.9-x86_64.img 4048 MB
centos-9.3-x86_64.img 2532 MB
ubuntu-24.04-x86_64.img 2664 MB
webuzo-ubuntu-22.04-x86_64.img 5203 MB
centos-8.9-x86_64.img 4048 MB
centos-9.3-x86_64.img 2532 MB
ubuntu-24.04-x86_64.img 2664 MB
webuzo-ubuntu-22.04-x86_64.img 5203 MB
centos-8.9-x86_64.img 4048 MB
centos-9.3-x86_64.img 2532 MB
webuzo-ubuntu-22.04-x86_64.img 5203 MB
rocky-9.3-x86_64.tar.gz 173 MB
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