Get Virtualizor

Node Performance

he Node Performance API to get the data about your node's performance. This is the output of /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/stat commands which is executed on the server. The API response consists of the server information and statistics of its resource utilization which are listed as an array which has the resources as comma separated values. The sequence is as follows [server ID, timestamp, disk, inode, ram, cpu, actual_cpu, net_in, net_out].

HTTP Request



actGETserver_statsReturns the server statsYes
showGETIntShow data for specific month and year, format YYYYMM eg: 201809No
seridPOSTIntThe ID of the serverNo

Sample Code



    $key =  'your_api_key';
    $pass = 'your_api_pass';
    $ip = 'your_server_ip';

    $admin = new Virtualizor_Admin_API($ip, $key, $pass);

    $post = array();
    //$post['show'] = 201808;           //use show only when you need statistics of a specified month and year
                                        //specify it in this way: YYYYMM
    $output = $admin->server_stats($post);




    "title": "Virtualizor",
    "server_stats": [
        ["0", "1471403402", "1", "98835", "253756", "10796", "92.75", "0.00", "128", "0"],
        ["0", "1471402921", "1", "99225", "253760", "10792", "100.10", "0.00", "128", "70"],
        ["0", "1471402442", "1", "99224", "253760", "10765", "10.91", "0.00", "284", "96"],
        ["0", "1471401962", "1", "99224", "253760", "10757", "27.13", "0.00", "64", "0"],
        ["0", "1471401482", "1", "99224", "253760", "10752", "91.17", "0.00", "64", "5069"],
        ["0", "1471401002", "1", "99225", "253760", "10763", "93.95", "0.00", "64", "0"],
        ["0", "1471400762", "1", "99224", "253760", "10765", "59.28", "0.00", "64", "0"],
        ["0", "1471400282", "1", "99224", "253760", "10726", "17.60", "0.00", "0", "0"],
        ["0", "1471399802", "1", "99224", "253760", "10774", "100.10", "0.00", "64", "0"],
        ["0", "1471399322", "1", "99224", "253756", "10599", "8.21", "0.00", "844", "858"],
        ["0", "1471398842", "1", "99223", "253748", "10674", "59.67", "0.00", "268", "236"],
        ["0", "1471398361", "1", "99223", "253739", "10592", "22.60", "0.00", "196", "282"],
        ["0", "1471397882", "1", "99223", "253739", "10600", "13.26", "0.00", "670", "526"]
    "month": {
        "current_month": "201608",
        "prev_month": "201607",
        "next_month": "201609"
    "timenow": "1471403773",
    "time_taken": "0.130"
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