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Adding custom control panel (After 3.1.9)

Custom Control Panel

Steps to add custom control panel

You can follow these steps to add your own custom panel option which can be shown on enduser.


1) Panel installation script file
2) Os compatibility list
3) Png photo


  • Copy the script file in ‘/usr/local/Virtualizor/hooks. Make sure that your script name consists of ‘virt_’ prefix in the panel name. For eg. If you are installing a panel named touche then the script file will be named as
  • Now you need to place you png in “/usr/local/virtualizor/enduser/themes/default/images” . Png will also have 70px X 70px size and should have same “virt_” prefix. Eg: virt_touche.png.
  • Adding your custom control panel json file, viz. custom_cp_supported_os.json. If the file doesn’t exist, simply create one in “/usr/local/virtualizor”.
    Content example: { "virt_touche": ["centos-7", "cloudlinux-7", "rhel-7", "cloudlinux-6", "centos-8", "cloudlinux-8", "almalinux-8", "ubuntu-20.04|(64)"] }
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