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Restore VPS Backups


This guide shows you how to restore VPS backups.

To Restore VPS

Go to "Backup -> Restore VPS Backups"

Restore VPS backup

The above image is restore vps backup page, You can select the server from top menu to restore vps of that server. After restore task starts, it will be updated on same page and also on task page.

There are two methods by which you can restore VPS backups:

  1. Select Backup VPS
  2. Select Server

Select Backup VPS

In this method you can select the vps you want to restore.

Select Backup VPS

After selecting the VPS you want to restore you will get a list of available backups, the select server and select directory are updated as per the backup plan of VPS. You can select date to restore VPS of respective date.

Select Server

In this method you can select server on which VPS backup is present.

There are three steps as you can see in above image.

Step 1: Select server on which VPS is present.

Step 2: Select Directory in which the VPS backup is present.

Step 3: Select date in VPS backup is present.

After that you will get a list of backups of different VPS from that list you can restore any one VPS.

Also if VPS backup is present in other directory rather than the directory in drop-down there is an other option after that you can provide the directory in which VPS backup is present.

The first two steps are same as above steps.

Step 3: Provide the directory path and click scan button to scan that directory.

Step 4: Select Date in which VPS backup is present.

Types of restoring VPS


If you click restore VPS than it will restore the backup in same VPS.

Restore to new VPS

If you click restore to new VPS than you can restore backup in whole new VPS. Also you can select server on which VPS will be restored.

Restore to new Server

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