Get Virtualizor



Hooks enable the admin to modify certain aspects of the task being done. There are some Hooks in Virtualizor that you can take advantage of :

Hooks directory is located at  /usr/local/virtualizor/hooks/


  • This hook will be executed after the VPS has been created but not started.
  • To execute this hook you have to place hook file on server where the VPS is located.
  • Create after_createvps.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __after_createvps() function
function __after_createvps($vps){    
 //Write your code here. e.g. You can add an additional NIC to the VPS configuration file if you wanted.


  • This hook will be executed after the VPS Configuration is created or edited.
  • To execute this hook you have to place hook file on server where the VPS is located.
  • Create after_config_write.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __after_config_write() function.
function __after_config_write($vps){

	// Following is the example of how to add another interface element
	$path = '/etc/libvirt/qemu/'.$vps['vps_name'].'.xml';
	$doc = new DOMDocument;
	$root = $doc->documentElement;
	$devices = $root->getElementsByTagName('devices')->item(0);
	// For adding any element
	$interface = $doc->createElement('interface', '');
	$interface_attr = $doc->createAttribute('type');
	$interface_attr->value = 'bridge';
	$source = $doc->createElement('source', '');
	$source_attr = $doc->createAttribute('bridge');
	$source_attr->value = 'YOUR_BRIDGE';
	$target = $doc->createElement('target', '');
	$target_attr = $doc->createAttribute('dev');
	$target_attr->value = 'YOUR_INTERFACE';
	$mac = $doc->createElement('mac', '');
	$mac_attr = $doc->createAttribute('address');
	$mac_attr->value = 'MAC_ADDRESS';

	// For removing any element
	/*$sound = $root->getElementsByTagName('sound');
	foreach($sound as $sounds){


before_deletevps (Since 2.9.9+)

  • This hook will be executed before the VPS deletion.
  • To execute this hook you have to place hook file on server where the VPS is located.
  • Create before_deletevps.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __before_deletevps() function.
function __before_deletevps($vps){

    // Write your code here. e.g. You can add additional parameters in the config file of the the VPS.



  • This hook will be executed after the VPS is deleted.
  • To execute this hook you have to place hook file on server where the VPS is located.
  • Create after_deletevps.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __after_deletevps() function.
function __after_deletevps($vps){

    // Write your code here. e.g. You can add additional parameters in the config file of the the VPS.


before_startvps (Since 2.9.9+)

  • This hook will be executed before vps is started.
  • To execute this hook you have to place hook file on server where the VPS is located.
  • Create before_startvps.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __before_startvps() function.
function __before_startvps($vps){

    // Write your code here. e.g. You can add additional parameters in the config file of the the VPS.


after_startvps (Since 2.9.9+)

  • This hook will be executed after the vps is started .
  • To execute this hook you have to place hook file on server where the VPS is located.
  • Create after_startvps.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __after_startvps() function.
function __after_startvps($vps){

    // Write your code here. e.g. You can add additional parameters in the config file of the the VPS.


addvs (Since 2.9.9+)

  • This hook will be executed on MASTER only not on Slave server after the VPS is created successfully.
  • Create addvs.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __addvs() function.
function __addvs($vps){

    // Write your code here. e.g. You can add additional parameters in the config file of the the VPS.


editvs (Since 2.9.9+)

  • This hook will be executed on MASTER only not on Slave server after the VPS is edited successfully.
  • Create editvs.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __editvs() function.
  • $old_vps will have the VPS config before editing and $new_vps will conatin the new setting after editing the VPS.
function __editvs($old_vps, $new_vps){

    // Write your code here. 


deletevs (Since 2.9.9+)

  • This hook will be executed on MASTER only not on Slave server after the VPS is deleted successfully.
  • Create deletevs.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __deletevs() function.
function __deletevs($vps){

    // Write your code here. 


pre_process_payment (Since 3.0.2+)

  • This hook will be executed when the response from payment gateway will be redirected to Virtualizor.
  • Create pre_process_payment.php in hooks folder and write your code in the __pre_process_payment() function
function __pre_process_payment(){
	$ccavenue_resp = optREQ('encResp');
		$_REQUEST['process_payment'] = 'ccavenue';
		$_REQUEST['id'] = optREQ('orderNo');


This hook will let you handle/define the error handling your way.


This hook will help you in the server selection algorithm. This hook will give you the list of server which Virtualizor has filtered as per the resources.

function my_server_selection($tmp_servers){
	// Add your custom code here
	return $tmp_servers;


This hook will randomize the IPs which are being selected as available IPs while creating Virtual machines.

function my_randomize_ips($ips, $ips_int, $ips6, $ips6_subnet){




	return array('ips' => $ips, 'ips_int' => $ips_int, 'ips6' => $ips6, 'ips6_subnet' => $ips6_subnet);


This hook will help you to check / modify the Bandwidth data before inserting to the virtualizor Database.

function my_check_insert_vps_bw($default, $vps, $value){
	// Add your custom code here
	$changed = 0;
	// $value['in'] and $value['out'] is the value which will be coming from CT/VM for bandwidth (Total download till NOW)
	// $vps['last_in'] and $vps['last_out'] are the values which are calculated for the CT/VM till last cron
	// Following is just an example to handle the value you can write your own logic to modify $in and $out
 	if($vps['last_in'] > $value['in'] && (($vps['last_in'] - $value['in']) > SOME_VALUE)){
		$in = $vps['last_in'];
		$value['in'] = 0;
		$changed = 1;

	if($vps['last_out'] > $value['out'] && (($vps['last_out'] - $value['out']) > SOME_VALUE)){
		$out = $vps['last_out'];
		$value['out'] = 0;
		$changed = 1;

		return array(
				'in' => $in, 'out' => $out,
				'c_in' => $value['in'], 'c_out' => $value['out']

	return $default;

Get IP details of the VM

  • If you want to get the IP details of the VM inside any hook where $vps is passed, you can get the IP details using the following code.
  • You will need to write the following code inside the hook function and you will get the IPs of your VM in $ips variable.


// List the IPs
$res = makequery("SELECT i.*, ip.* FROM ips i
                  LEFT JOIN ippool ip ON (ip.ippid = i.ippid) 
                  WHERE i.vpsid = :vid
                  ORDER BY `primary` DESC", array(':vid' => $vps['vpsid']));   

for($i=0; $i < vsql_num_rows($res); $i++){
    $ips[$i] = vsql_fetch_assoc($res);
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