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Two Factor Authentication (End User panel)


This guide shows you how to enable two factor Authentication in Virtualizor End User panel.

Click on your user name and from the given list select "Settings".

NOTE : You will get this option ONLY if your admin has enabled this setting from Admin panel.


Two Factor Authentication Methods

Click on Security Settings, you will see the page of Two Factor Authentication as below.


Using Email

  • Select Email OTP from the drop down to enable two factor authentication via email.
  • To enable OTP method via email you will have to click on Email Code button and enter the OTP sent to your email to verify it.
  • Once the OTP is verified, Email OTP will be enabled when you login to enduser panel next time.

Using App

  • Select Enable App from the dropdown to enable two factor authentication using App.
  • To enable OTP method using App you will have to scan the QR Code OR enter the Secret Key in your App.
  • Once you have configured it, OTP will be generated in your App.
    Enter that OTP in Confirmation Code field to verify and enable Two factor Authentication.

Disable Two Factor Authentication

  • To disable two factor authentication, select None from the drop down and save the settings.
  • This will disable the two factor authentication for login.

NOTE : If Admin has forced two factor authentication for endusers, then you will get OTP via Email even after disabling Two factor authentication from your end.

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