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OVH kernel issues

If the server is using CentOS 7 with a : kernel-4.19-ovh-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 similar to this then file based storage will have issues and will also take a lot of time to create vps eventually landing on some error about resizing/password setting.

Running libguestfs-test-tool command on that server will show if that kernel is being picked or not.

If it shows that kernel is being picked up then test tool will also take time to complete eventually resulting in some error.

(Do these steps at your own risk and can end up with OS not booting as expected.)
In that case, then you can disable OVH-kernel.repo under /etc/yum.repos.d/
And do : (assuming current kernel is a stock one and other installed kernel are too old and/or also OVH kernel)

package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=1

or use

yum remove kernel-4* (re-install dependencies which were installed from other repositroies other than OVH and also got removed after using this command)

then yum update and reboot.

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